REAPER v2.56 - March 2, 2009
* Fixed drag and drop of sends/hardware outputs in mixer view when using hardware outputs
* Old recording item selection behavior now only affects item-autopunch mode
* CC parameter meta-actions now also work on midpoints for absolute CCs/etc
* Select all items in track (doubleclick TCP) now sets context to items
* Fixed MIDI timing in ReWire slave mode, support for running in FL Studio
* ReWire slave mode forces playrate to 1.0
* Fixed MIDI item trim bugs with selected notes
* Fixed some PCM source seek rounding errors
* Fixed a bug in vertical GR metering (ReaComp etc)
* Hiding dock windows now removes focus from them
* MP3 decoder seek improvements
* 29.97DF ruler corrected
* ReaSamplomatic: better note name reporting (removes extensions, doesnt report if supporting the entire range)
* Fixed auto-add of plugin envelopes for correct values
* installer: Fixed Vista/Windows 7 compatibility warnings
* OS X: new directory structure and simplified install process
* Updated registration to store in install path as well (for multiuser systems)
* Fix for trimming MIDI items on split in certain looped instances
* Much faster redraws for some VSTs
* Fixed mute master/slave grouped automation recording